Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dallas ZOO

Our family headed to Texas in late October for my brother Jeremy's wedding. Scott and I got to Texas a day later than everyone, so we were on our own for a day while the rest of the fam was in Gilmore.

After trying to figure out what to do with the kids in Dallas we ended up at the Dallas Zoo. Admission was really inexpensive so I thought, well this is going to be a small zoo with minimal animals. NOT SO! I was amazed, the zoo was one of the best I have ever been to.

This is funny because we thought that there was just a big hallway of pictures of animals from the Savanna. WOW, we were totally wrong because they had a HUGE exhibit of real animals, including elephants, giraffe, boars, hyenas, zebras, lions and many more. It was the biggest exhibit with tons of large animals. And the habitats were amazing.

I thought this was hysterical. A gorilla was laying on his stomach throwing leaves on himself and then pounding his fist on his stomach. What a Man. Evan was not interested at all.

A Meerkat

These Meerkats were Evans best friend. Every time he called for them one would come running right up to him. He loved it and could have spent hours there watching them. I think they really wanted Evan's food in his hand.

The amazing Savanna habitat.

Evan actually got to feed the giraffe. Scott bought some lettuce from a stand and the lady said they probably would come up because they weren't that hungry, but one did! We were on an elevated platform, Evan just stuck his hand out with the lettuce and a giraffe came right up to him and ate from his hand. It was a coolest thing ever! Unfortunately my camera had just died, so I couldn't capture the moment.

If you are ever in Dallas I would highly recommend going to the Zoo and taking part in the giraffe feeding. Such a neat experience!

I found a picture on Scott's phone. Yay! Now you can see Ev trying to feed the giraffe

1 comment:

CheyAnn said...

Yay for Texas!! And congrats to Jeremy on his wedding! Glad you had fun, and now I am really excited to go to that zoo someday. Love all the updates.