Monday, February 23, 2009

Sandbox FUN

Evan loves our babysitters sandbox, so Scott built Evan a sandbox in the backyard. He got creative and turned the inside of the lid into a chalkboard. Evan loves to play in it. He also loves to play outside of the box and throw rocks into it. Every time we take him out to go back inside he throws a fit. What can I say he loves the outdoors.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Think PINK

So, I know that a lot of you already know, but it's official. We are having a GIRL! (Hannah Louise Wheatfill) I had an ultrasound in California at 15 weeks and the lady said we were having a girl but that she couldn't say 100% for sure. So, I decided to wait until my 20 week ultrasound to get the official news and tell everyone. You never know, a girl could turn into a boy, however I still had a gut feeling that it was a girl. I am excited and I think I have gotten used to the idea. My kids at school said "What if it comes out a boy," and I replied with "That will be just fine because I already have all the stuff necessary for a boy." Scott is very excited to have one of each and said that I probably would have been sad if I found out it was a boy instead. I don't know, all I know is that a healthy baby is what I want.

Our New Stroller

So, I didn't win the double stroller giveaway. Now I must buy one. So the last couple of weeks I have been looking every night on Craig's list, eBay and Amazon for a Phil and Teds. I found a few, but they were already sold or I was outbid. Scott thought I was wasting to much time on the computer, which I was, so he told me to just buy one from Amazon. We finally decided on buying the new Vibe and we can't wait to get it. It has a lot of new cool features and it will go to great use with 2 kids.