Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Funny, Not so Funny

Yesterday we went my moms work to pick her up. When she got in the car Evan asked grandma where we were going. Grandma told him we were going to the park and Evan replied "oh yeah, that's awesome". My mom and I were cracking up because we have never heard him say awesome before.

Then when we got home from the park Evan followed me inside with some ice cream. I was getting out bowls, turned around and saw him tugging on his pants and singing pants on the ground, pants on the ground. It was hilarious. My dad had just been singing that to Evan when he loaded him up in the car to go to the park. So he must of remembered it. Funny what kids pick up on.

Lately Hannah has been getting really irritated with her brother smothering her and constantly bugging her. So the last few days she has been trying to hit him and scratch him. When she gets really angry she gets this look on her face, yells and tries to smack and grab Evan's arm. I don't blame her for being irritated because the poor girl can't get a minute alone, but violence. I don't know weather to laugh or scold her. Life will definitely be different for her growing up.

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