Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New House, New Routine

Yes, I know I am way behind on my blog. Moving this last month has been crazy deciding what to save, trash, put in storage or take to my parents. Finally I feel semi normal. We have finally got ourselves into a little routine at grandma & grandpa's, with minor changes here and there. Life seems so different now that I am not working. I try to get the kids out of the house everyday but actual getting out at a decent time is still a work in progress. I feel like we can never really be out before 10 am. Sad I know. I have yet to do any outings with friends and their kids but hopefully after I get back from a 2 week stay in Arizona I will see some of them. (Julie is having her baby next week, that's why I'll be gone till the end of October.)

I decided I should just update now and go back later to post some summer pictures. Hannah is getting so big and doing new things all the time. Her day and night schedule are much different than even a month ago. She is waking up to eat more at night and sleeps different times throughout the day. No more once awake at night and a three hour nap during the day. I am a little more tired than before but nothing like with Evan, plus I don't have to work so it doesn't really matter. I have a hard time forcing my babies to a certain schedule and when they are so little I know their body and schedules change. The biggest thing I have learned the last couple of months with a 2 year old, a newborn and our crazy moving schedule is that you learn to be flexible and adjust whenever necessary. I know that I and anyone else can do anything if we allow changes into our life and then adjust accordingly. If we keep pushing against the change we make our life a whole lot more stressful than it needs to be.

With all that said I am posting a few pictures of Hannah's new daily activities.

Hannah sits in her Bumbo everyday to watch me get ready.

She has started to look at herself in the mirror and smile.(sometimes)

She lays on her play mat and can even touch some of the toys hanging.

She likes standing up in her saucer to see whats going on. She especially likes watching her brother.

You can tell she is not tall enough to stand on both feet.

Finally at the end of a long day she likes to go to sleep sprawled out on our bed before she gets put in her cradle.


CheyAnn said...

Moving is the biggest pain, especially to a different state. Glad everything is going so well. Hannah is so big, and so beautiful!! Have fun!

Lily said...

She looks different already. I love the new picture of them together at the top! What you said about adjusting to change, and basically go with the flow resonates with me. I learned that the hard way. It is such good advice.