Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why Me?

Do you ever have those moments? Tonight has been one of those nights from Hell. I put the kids in the bath and began to pick up a little around the house. I went to check on them and Hannah had pooped in the tub. I then moved them to the other tub to clean out the first one and what do you know a few minutes later Hannah pooped in the second tub. Later, I was putting Hannah in bed and walked out of her room when low in behold there was Evan with his clothes stripped off and pull-up on the ground. A little way down the hall there was a pile of poop. UGH! WHY ME. When is my child going to learn to go potty on the toilet? I know this might seem lame to be complaining about an incident like this, but let me tell you this is not the first. These cleaning up poop extravaganzas have been happening quite frequently the last several months between myself and Scott.

I just needed to vent because I don't have the time or patience to be cleaning up poop. I have papers to grade, sub plans to write and all I want to do is watch 1 TV show. PLEASE HELP ME!


Lily said...

Weeeell, this is the least fun thing about parenthood. It is HARD. And sometimes, we just need a little breather, esp. us Mom's. Hang in there!

Vanessa said...

Oh no! That is way too much poop. You completely have the right to complain. So sorry my friend.

Kelly Woolley said...

Wanna know what helps me through the more hellish days? A scoop of peanut butter and a handful of chocolate chips. I know you think I'm kidding but I'm not. Hope tomorrow is a better day! Loves to all you guys!

Stephanie and Cody Sunderhaus said...

Oh man Shell!! I'm so sorry! Poop clean up is no fun I concur!! Just come back here again and I'll watch em while you hang out with your sister!! :)