Tuesday, September 30, 2008

6 quirky things

1. Yes, I still bite my nails, but only during movies. That might be more gross than quirky.

2. I don't believe in having a lot of friends because I want to keep the friends I have close.

3. I am a freak about having things match, especially clothing. My poor son is not always matching because his dad dresses him. Scott isn't always sure what things go together.

4. I am afraid to sleep next to windows, in fear that someone is going to come in. (I know its silly, I have had this problem since I was little.)

5. I always feel like I need to have hot food for lunch and dinner. Maybe because it makes me feel like I ate a real meal.

6. I get a kick out of tickling Evan. I think its so funny because he is sooooo ticklish. I know I hated it when my dad tickled us, but i just have to do it to Evan. The things that parents do.

1 comment:

Lily said...

Not nearly as quirky as some of the things I've read on others blogs. :)